Comedian Sees Woman Paying for Gas with Pennies, Then Does This
Inspiring gesture reminds a hurting person of God's daily presence
Inspiring gesture reminds a hurting person of God's daily presence
Read on for the best advice for keeping that special family member in tiptop shape this year and always
A little fall flavoring is nice, but when even cough drops and yogurt become seasonal, we've got issues
The faithful can never overlook the importance of human dignity
Rush Limbaugh, Joy Villa, others are praising the Dean Cain-starring movie about an abortion doctor and murderer
Here's an open letter to mothers across America: Would you tell your daughters what you tell yourself?
Think tank's new report looks bluntly at obesity issues in this country — and shares necessary fixes
None of us wants weight gain as the weather gets cooler — here are smart tips for eating well and feeling great, too
When those of deep faith step up to help others understand God's power in challenging circumstances, everyone wins
Two studies look at people with high risk for developing the ailment to gauge possible prevention methods
An excess of shut-eye can significantly impact our functioning
The message to children out there is that 'we will never stop looking for you,' said the U.S. Marshals Service
Here are three dishes inspired by the season that are simple, delicious, and pleasing to both the kids and adults gathered around your autumn table
When we open the Bible, we discover the Lord doesn't ever tire, doesn't break promises — and much more
Find the unique gifts hidden in the times you want to give up — and claim the blessings the Lord has waiting
One group is on track to meet its goal — and help our deserving Americans find the support they need
No child, no matter how young or old, can ever take this important relationship for granted — here's why
'Be bold,' urges one teen who will bring the Good Book along to class — will others stand up and be counted?
It's something couples can practice, it's free, and the dividends only multiply the more people make time to do it
In-flight meditation sessions will be offered to American Airlines passengers who crave 'serenity now' in the air